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Sexta-feira, 03.08.12

Flashmob Orchestres en fête ! Paris North station - Arlésienne de Bizet


Jeudi 17 novembre 2011, 60 musiciens sont venus jouer un extrait de l'Arlésienne de Bizet dans le grand hall de la Gare du Nord, à Paris !
C'est le lancement de la 4ème édition d'Orchestres en fête, grand événement organisé dans toute la France depuis 2008. Pendant dix jours au mois de novembre, les orchestres membres de l'Association Française des Orchestres ouvrent leurs portes à tous les publics pour montrer que la musique classique vit au coeur de la cité ! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011, 60 musicians showed up to play an excerpt of the "Arlesienne" by Bizet in the hall of Paris North station !

This flashmob launched the fourth edition of Orchestres en fête !, a tremendous and nationwide event organized since 2008. For ten days in November, 41 orchestras, all members of the French Association of Orchestras open their doors to everyone. All the events set up during Orchestres en fête !, like this flashmob, are dedicated to show that classical music lives in the very heart of the city !

To know a bit more about the event, feel free to check out our website:

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por vistoporai às 12:38

Quinta-feira, 02.08.12

Second Annual Glee Flash Mob - Seattle


On April 10, 2011, 1200+ Gleeks reunited for the the largest Glee fan event in the country! Produced by Egan Orion of One Degree Events and choreographed by Bobby Bonsey and Beth Meberg.

#flashmob #glee Our Glee fans made history and danced at 3 different locations around Seattle in what was one of the largest flash mobs ever! This video is of our flash mob in Westlake Park.

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por vistoporai às 12:30

Quarta-feira, 01.08.12

Glee Flash Mob & Marriage Proposal (Seattle - 2012)


On April 21, 2012, nearly 1000 flash mobbers came together in Seattle to celebrate the 3rd Annual Glee Flash Mob in what has become the biggest Glee fan event in the country! They too were surprised when in the middle of the mob there was a marriage proposal. The show is all about diversity and love, and the mob celebrates every facet of the show. You might even see Mr. Schue if you look hard enough...

"Like" us at to be notified of future videos and to participate in a future flash mob of ours!

Produced by Egan Orion of One Degree Events/Mob the World. Choreography by Beth Meberg and Jared Jones.

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por vistoporai às 12:06

Terça-feira, 31.07.12

The T-Mobile Flashmob London Heathrow - Welcome Back Advert


Die Telekom hat am Londoner Flughafen Heathrow ein Advert gedreht in dem die Passagiere am Terminal abgefangen und muskalisch begrüßt werden. Den verdutzen Ankömmlingen war die Überraschung deutlich anzusehen.

Insgesamt eine tolle Idee, mal wieder, Respekt an die Marketingabteilung der Telekom :)

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por vistoporai às 12:14

Segunda-feira, 30.07.12

Mamma Mia! - Flash Mob no Shopping Vila Olímpia

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por vistoporai às 12:49

Sexta-feira, 27.07.12

Kolaveri Di Sydney Flash Mob - 10th Feb 2012 Pitt St Mall


On 10th February 2012 sharp 4:00pm at Pitt Street Mall one of the busiest places in Sydney City, Australia, 50 plus people gathered with a single crazy dance. 

To dance on the tune of Kolaveri Di.

With this performance Sydney Asserts its stamp on the World as one of the most happening cities. This is our contribution to our city. This song has been 'Flash Mobbed' in several cities and this is our homage to the song and also to the bollywood culture that is so close to our heart.

I hope that we do justice to the participants...
Some danced for the first time. 
Some who travelled hours with little kids. 
Some who who stood waiting in the rain. 

Some who said "This process has just boosted my confidence generally". 
Some who said "I feel I am alive again"
Some who wept and said "I have never been this happy" 

I never quite understood what living in the moment means but if I ever did live in the moment, I can safely say it lasts for 4mins and 50secs.

Special Thanks to :
Kolaveri remix: DigiTally

- Rashmi Uttarkar

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por vistoporai às 12:35

Quinta-feira, 26.07.12

Kolaveri Di Auckland Flash Mob - Official Video HD 2011


Auckland Kolaveri!

On 19 Dec, 30 everyday Kiwis melted into Britomart and Aoteo square in the form of Flash mob moving to the song 'why this Kolaveri de?' - With a large crowd of tourists watching on, the flash dance lasted around Five minutes - and then melted away again. 

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por vistoporai às 17:31

Terça-feira, 24.07.12

London 2012 Olympic Flash Mob


On the 23/07/2011 Wayne Sables Project was commissioned to create a Flash Mob linked to the Newham - Barnsley Olympic Partnership. 80 young people turned up in Barnsley Town Centre to pose in a sporting starting position. London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games have been dedicated to delivering a legacy for sport and culture, while promoting participation and achievement in East London, up and down the UK, and across the rest of the world. As part of that promise, in 2008, the Principal 2012 Host Borough of Newham established a partnership with Barnsley. The Newham Barnsley Partnership is a unique approach to delivering a legacy from the Games across the UK and using the excitement and passion of the Olympics to inspire and connect our two communities. The Newham Barnsley Partnership is a leading example of the promise of London 2012 made real.

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por vistoporai às 17:05

Segunda-feira, 23.07.12

Flash mob aeroporto Ponta Delgada 23/12/2010

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por vistoporai às 17:43

Sexta-feira, 20.07.12

Flash Mob Lady Gaga - Portugal - 22 May 2011

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por vistoporai às 17:40

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Novembro 2012