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Entre um governo que faz o mal e um povo que o consente, há certa cumplicidade vergonhosa
Victor Hugo
Não procures alguém que te preencha, preenche-te a ti mesmo e procura alguém que te faça transbordar.
Clarice lispector
Como explicarás aos teus filhos que perdeste o que os teus pais conquistaram com a luta, como poderás sentar-te em frente ais teus filhos e dizer-lhes que não tem direitos porque tiveste medo de lutar?
A minha solidão não tem nada a ver com a presença ou uasência de pessoas... detesto quem me rouba a solidão sem em troca me oferecer verdadeira companhia
Ensine a seu filho o caminho que deve seguir e permita que ele decida até onde deseja chegar.
A educação é a arma certa para mudar o mundo
It's not a silly little moment,
It's not the storm before the calm.
This is the deep and dying breath of
This love that we've been working on.
Can't seem to hold you like I want to
So I can feel you in my arms.
Nobody's gonna come and save you,
We pulled too many false alarms.
We're going down,
And you can see it too.
We're going down,
And you know that we're doomed.
My dear,
We're slow dancing in a burning room.
I was the one you always dreamed of,
You were the one I tried to draw.
How dare you say it's nothing to me?
Baby, you're the only light I ever saw.
I'll make the most of all the sadness,
You'll be a bitch because you can.
You try to hit me just to hurt me
So you leave me feeling dirty
Because you can't understand.
We're going down,
And you can see it too.
We're going down,
And you know that we're doomed.
My dear,
We're slow dancing in a burning room.
Go cry about it - why don't you?
Go cry about it - why don't you?
Go cry about it - why don't you?
My dear, we're slow dancing in a burning room,
Burning room,
Burning room,
Burning room,
Burning room.
Don't you think we oughta know by now?
Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?
Don't you think we oughta know by now?
Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?
Don't you think we oughta know by now?
Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?
Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?
Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?
Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?
Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?
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