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Sexta-feira, 03.08.12

Imagens do Facebook, fidelidade é ...



Fidelidade não é nunca sentir atracção por outra pessoa, fidelidade é sentir atracção e não ir em frente porque sabemos que há um compromisso para manter

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por vistoporai às 16:54

Sexta-feira, 03.08.12

Flashmob Orchestres en fête ! Paris North station - Arlésienne de Bizet


Jeudi 17 novembre 2011, 60 musiciens sont venus jouer un extrait de l'Arlésienne de Bizet dans le grand hall de la Gare du Nord, à Paris !
C'est le lancement de la 4ème édition d'Orchestres en fête, grand événement organisé dans toute la France depuis 2008. Pendant dix jours au mois de novembre, les orchestres membres de l'Association Française des Orchestres ouvrent leurs portes à tous les publics pour montrer que la musique classique vit au coeur de la cité ! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011, 60 musicians showed up to play an excerpt of the "Arlesienne" by Bizet in the hall of Paris North station !

This flashmob launched the fourth edition of Orchestres en fête !, a tremendous and nationwide event organized since 2008. For ten days in November, 41 orchestras, all members of the French Association of Orchestras open their doors to everyone. All the events set up during Orchestres en fête !, like this flashmob, are dedicated to show that classical music lives in the very heart of the city !

To know a bit more about the event, feel free to check out our website:

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por vistoporai às 12:38

Sexta-feira, 03.08.12

Imagens do Facebook, .. podemos caminhar juntos


Não ande atrás de mim, talvez eu não saiba liderar. Não ande na minha frente, talvez eu não o queira seguir, ande ao meu lado para podermos caminhar juntos

Provérbio UTE

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por vistoporai às 10:51

Sexta-feira, 03.08.12

Silence... - Vargo



Flowing silence is love.
Shared silence is friendship.
Silence seen is infinity.
Vibrating silence is creation.
Expressed silence is beauty.
Maintained silence is strength.
Allowed silence is rest.
Received silence is joy.
Perceived silence is knowledge.
Silence-alone is being.
Silence-alone is being, is being.

Are you drowning in the noises
that surround you everyday
do you struggle to keep things at bay
and at times does it feel like your loosing the way
are you tempted by the voices
trying to lead us all astray?
do not always believe what they say
come along, peace and quiet are not so far away

if your mind is out of tune
feel the silence -
don't know what to do
feel the silence -
it is inside of you
feel the silence -
if you listen you can hear it -
the silence in you

creation - love - friendship - infinity - beauty - joy - knowledge - strength

are you looking for a haven
anywhere that you may roam?
there is shelter an oasis of your own
come along, you'll find, you're already home


Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

por vistoporai às 08:18

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